In the past, running a business was done with paper and filing cabinets. Nowadays, almost everything is electronic, with all kinds of complicated systems in place to keep things running smoothly.
With all this technology being responsible for the day-to-day inner workings of your company, it’s crucial to streamline your networking. Computer-related issues are one of the most common causes of reduced productivity in the workplace.
Of course, that’s the purpose of an IT department, but even with a large budget dedicated to IT, it’s not uncommon to get overwhelmed by a lot of tricky errors.
Even with the most experienced IT employees, the structure of your IT system itself should be streamlined, and that’s where Cisco SMARTnet can help. Here are 3 big ways Cisco SMARTnet can improve your company’s efficiency and overall productivity.
1. Increase Visibility
Solving IT problems requires locating them first. While that may seem like a straightforward process on a small system, on a large computer network, it can be difficult to find all the components. Sitting down and sifting through the network looking for the precise component that failed can take a long time.
In the business world, time is valuable, and Cisco SMARTnet is worth the price. With its automatic network discovery and inventory capabilities, all the network’s systems are easily displayed within a few clicks. This provides an easy way to manage and diagnose any problems with the network quickly by removing a big time-consuming element of the process.
2. Automatic Updating
An extremely common solution to all kinds of networking problems is updating various drivers for your devices. Even if your system doesn’t run into immediate problems, leaving your devices on old firmware is a bad idea. A lot of updates are for security patches that fix vulnerabilities in your system, protecting your company from cyber-attacks.
Cisco SMARTnet avoids all the issues regarding out-of-date software by providing easy ways to update all your devices and programs. Features such as PSIRT and automatic lifecycle data correlation allow you to stay on top of your business’s network security.
3. Quick, Accurate Diagnosis with Cisco SMARTnet
Downtime on your network or other hardware can quickly spiral into disaster. In a company-wide system, all your employees depend on the network to do their jobs. When it goes down, productivity grinds to a halt. Your IT department will be working around the clock to fix these kinds of problems when they arise.
It’s crucial to minimize the downtime, but throwing more workers at the problem typically won’t solve much: the problem isn’t that there aren’t enough people trying to fix it; it’s that the fix is not easy to find. This issue is avoided with Cisco SMARTnet. SMARTnet provides a clear and accurate view of your system, allowing for easy diagnosis and repair of the IT problem at hand.
Cisco SMARTnet | Netcon Solutions | Toronto, GTA
Netcon Solutions is the leader in expert IT solutions and networking equipment. If you’re looking for the best of the best, we are here to deliver expert advice on your network. We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. Having served Toronto and the GTA with many types of networking solutions for over 20 years, we are more than qualified to handle your business’s IT.
● Streamlining the IT process will provide a huge reduction in your company’s downtime.
● Cisco SMARTnet is an IT tool that is crucial to making the IT process smooth and quick.
● Netcon Solutions is the forerunner in providing both advice and high-quality equipment to small and large businesses alike. Contact us today to learn more.